Anita, congratulations! It doesn't look like you left any way for me to get a hold of you though, so please email me at blondiescakes at gmail dot come right away and I'll send you your GC code. If I don't get a reply in a week, I'll have to pick someone else, so please please come back for your winnings :D
As for me, well, I'm the loser in this episode. Wanna guess where I am this week and why it took me so long to post this? I'll give you a hint:


And a whole lot of:

No idea? Here a few more clues and I'm sure you'll get it:
I'm spending a few days in Vegas for work and already I've gambled away the few bucks I made on my last cupcake order. I may have even learned a lesson about gambling...or something. Anyhow, that's all I have for you today. Since I haven't been home in almost two weeks, there's not much in terms of recipes that I have ready to share with you, but thank you for stopping by...I'll put a fiver on black 27 for you ;)
OH have fun in vegas!!
Anne...I've never been to Vegas...and your photos make me envy the fact that you are working in such fabulous surroundings ;O)
Have a wonderful time!
Flavourful wishes,
Have a great time in Vegas! Why doesn't my work send me to fun places?
Thanks guys! I'm actually happy to be back home. Vegas is nice, but it gets depressing if you spend too much time there. It's not nearly as glamorous as it seems. Plus I didn't win any money, so I'm a bit bitter :D
how fun! I love weekends in vegas...and don't feel guilty about those few bucks...it's part of the fun... you loose some...but then you win some...that's my theory ;)
Ohhh i like the cakes.
I'm so jealous! I want to go to Vegas sooo bad!! Those cakes look awesome!
Oooo, what fun! I hope you're enjoying yourself :)
OK, how the heeeeellllll do you get the fountains to sway like that? Unbelievably cool.
Thanks Cheryl, I took a whole huge bunch of pics of the fountains and when I was going through them I thought I'd try a flipbook effect. Apparently, if you open all the files in ImageReady, you can save them as a little movie-like gif file. Then if up save that as a Google doc (flickr flattens it), you can insert it in a blog post. I wasn't planning on doing that when I took the pics, which is why it's so wonky, but I'll definitely be trying this again...maybe with a tripod.
This was a loovely blog post
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