I've been on a mission to get more veggies into every day meals, so when I saw the gorgeous stuffed zucchini recipe over at La Tartine Gourmande, I just knew it would be the perfect thing to try. Especially since it was a quick recipe and I'd need to make/eat it fast to make the midnight Harry Potter marathon with my friend. They came out adorable and yummy, even the leftovers were delicious the next day. The lime zest was a great addition and I might even add some of the lime juice into the mix next time. I'll be keeping my eye out for globe zucchini from now on.

Globe Zucchini Stuffed with Sweet Potato
Adapted from La Tartine Gourmande
6 small globe zucchini, green or yellow
1 sweet potato, peeled and diced
2 large shallots, finely chopped
2 garlic cloves, peeled and finely minced
1 tablespoon chopped fresh oregano
2 sprigs of thyme
Sea salt and pepper
Olive oil
Zest of 1 lime, finely grated
2/3 cup finely grated Parmesan
3 slices prosciutto, finely diced
1 egg
Preheat the oven to 375 F and have a large baking dish ready.
Slice a small piece off at the top of each zucchini; set aside. Scoop the flesh out with a spoon, making sure to keep the shells intact. Season shells with salt and pepper. Chop the zucchini flesh; set aside.
In a pot, heat 2 tablespoons olive oil over medium heat. When warm, add the shallots, lime zest and thyme. Sweat for 4 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add the garlic and continue to cook for 2 minutes.
Add the sweet potato and cook for 5 to 7 minutes. Add the zucchini flesh and cook for 5 more minutes. Transfer to a bowl and stir in the prosciutto, oregano, cheese and egg. Season with salt and pepper, and discard the thyme.
Stuff the zucchini shells with this mixture. Place the top on each zucchini and place them in the oven dish. Drizzle generously with olive oil and add 1/4 cup cold water at the bottom of the dish. Bake the vegetables for 45 to 50 minutes, or until the shells are tender when pierced with a small knife.
I served these on top of a pile of spicy quinoa, but you can also serve with rice, or whatever else you like.
Woow, I love the idea of using sweet potato in the filling, this sounds amazing!
Gorgeous photo! I saw these on TS and thought they looked so delicious.
Oh, I love this! So creative!
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